Pal and Mindy Grace

Come on over and meet the horses ... they are wanting to meet you.
— Deb

PAL is a beautiful Quarter Horse palomino gelding who is 23 years old. We have been together since 2004 and have shared an incredible journey together. Pal is referred to as a horse who is a “Miracle” by not only myself but also his vet, as well as others who have come to know him over the years. His heart is as big and tender as his body and he has become my teacher during our time together. He has not only lived through and healed injuries that were “untreatable” and life threatening but he became a great teacher to me of the power of energy work and how we can heal much more than we realize.

Together we won a National Competitive Trail Championship in 2008 blazing through the mountains, streams and trails. He is as powerful as he is soulful and he came to me in 2004 to share these challenges and joys so that together we can do this work. Pal is a healer and offers himself wholeheartedly to others and he certainly holds space and presence for those who are needing support.

MINDY GRACE is a 14 year old Quarter Horse Mare who joined us in May 2022. When I decided that Mindy Grace was coming home with me her previous owner Laverne said “Deb, you didn’t choose her, she chose you”. I knew that she was meant to be in my life to do this work and she is a perfect partner for Pal as well as me. She is sensitive, curious, very smart, powerful and tender…. a beautiful combination. We look forward to sharing this with our clients.